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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

[ post by non-subscriber.  with the massive amount of spam, it is easy to
  miss and therefore delete mis-posts.  so fix subscription addresses! ]

|   > context." There's probably no single mechanism which is 
|   "the" answer to
|   > multi-homing; you probably need several, each with its own optimal
|   > applicability domain.
|   So why not support PI for a limited subset of multihomers 
|   that have vast
|   networks while supporting multi-PA for the small networks 
|   that have a
|   minimal number of segments?

Because we've done nothing to eliminate the "tragedy of the commons".

Under this scheme, which alternative is easier for users?  I would
guess PI space.  And everyone would choose that and then tell us that
they are sufficiently "special" to get PI space and then we end up
back where we are today.

A workable architecture has to constrain the users into doing The
Right Thing automatically.  Because otherwise, users will optimize for
their own benefit, at the cost of the network.
