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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

|   I've still yet to see an idea here that provided complete 
|   multihoming
|   (i.e. ones that won't get filtered to uselessness) without 
|   either breaking
|   aggregation and exploding the DFZ or making transport level 
|   changes..

And you're not likely to see one soon either.  Look at the 
problem that we're trying to solve:

- Not exploding the DFZ requires hierarchical addressing.
- Being multihomed implies that there is a cycle in the
  graph, which implies that a node appears multiple 
  places in the hierarchy.
- No changes in the transport implies that once you start
  using an address, you MUST continue using it, thereby
  binding yourself to one path through the hierarchy.

Tunnelling tries to address this by maintaining the
hierarchy and virtualizing the topology.  Geographic
addressing declares the top of the graph to be 
hierarchical, but makes the lower layers non-hierarchical
and thereby pushes the explosion down, simply moving
the problem.

Something has to give, and IMHO, it had better be the
