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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

--On Thursday, 24 October 2002 08:03 -0700 Michel Py <michel@arneill-py.sacramento.ca.us> wrote:


Absolutely. It is clear that there is a place for both, and this WG has
been denying host-based solution in the misguided hunt for The Universal
Multihoming Solution. A PI solution is not the answer to everybody nor
is a host solution. My message to Peter Tattam and other people that
have designed host solutions is this: There is a place for what you are
doing, but also understand that it's not what everyone needs, and accept
the fact that your solution will have to coexist with something else.

Is this a fair assessment? There are three classes of multihomed leaf sites:

1) Entities, generally smaller ones, which can exist quite happily with multiple PA addresses (implying some degree of interchangeability among their providers),

2) Enterprises which require PI addresses either because they extend across multiple geographic areas (such as large corporations) or they connect to networks which are not interchangeable (such as universities with commodity and R&E connections) and

3) Regions which have the local topology to take advantage of geographically-based PI addresses.

It seems as though most discussion has tried to shoehorn both 2) and 3) into the same category. I'm wondering if overall aggregation might be improved by giving these two classes separate PI space.


| Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer Phone: +1 412 268-4960 |
| Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center FAX: +1 412 268-8200 |
| 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 lambert@psc.edu |