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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Tony Li wrote:

> |   host; however, we still run into the support issues associated with
> |   applying and maintaining several, multi-PA prefixes to tens
> |   of thousands
> |   of subnets.
> Would you feel this way if you could simply maintain the prefixes
> in the border gateway?

No.  The open concern then becomes that of applications that carry
addresses in the payload -- would border routers require a knowledge base
of applications to translate a la IPv4 NAT?


Craig A. Huegen, Chief Network Architect      C i s c o  S y s t e m s
IT Transport, Network Technology & Design           ||        ||
Cisco Systems, Inc., 400 East Tasman Drive          ||        ||
San Jose, CA  95134, (408) 526-8104                ||||      ||||
email: chuegen@cisco.com       CCIE #2100      ..:||||||:..:||||||:..