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RE: The state of IPv6 multihoming development

Michel Py wrote:
> ...
> In short: a large organization needs to be able to engineer 
> traffic, which I don't realistically see happening when 
> individual hosts can take decisions that can affect traffic 
> engineering.

A host decision does not affect traffic shaping for the outbound
direction. The only choice it is making in that space is the dst addr,
and it has that responsibility today, even though it has no
deterministic means of making that choice. The IPv6 address selection
rules add structure to that process.

For the inbound direction, the remote and intermediate network managers
have more impact on the actual path the bits will take than the origin
choice of source addr. All we have today is the illusion that a network
manager can direct traffic toward his network. Having 1 or N addresses
doesn't change the granularity of traffic engineering, so the argument
is bogus. What it really boils down to is that nodes outside the network
manager's direct control are making a decision (any decision). This is
about trust, not traffic engineering.
