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Re: Notes about identifier - locator separator


>  From my point of view, end-point naming is one of the most
> important "services" IP provides today (in addition to
> the packet forwarding "service", of course).  That is,
> the TCP and UDP port numbers are qualified by the IP
> address of the host currently hosting the application.
> In order words, IP provides a name space for end-points,
> and the application level entities (sockets) are named
> by concatenating the IP address and the port number
> (and in some other cases, like TCP MUX and ONC RPC, also
> other information).

That is a transport layer centric view and is wrong.

At the transport layer, which is purely within a host, there is no
routing that locator aspect of IPv4 addresses is not visible.

However, the most important property of the Internet is global
connectivity between hosts that the most important service
of IP is the global connectivity.

						Masataka Ohta