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Re: Notes about identifier - locator separator

My sincere apologies for replying to a topic that's 2 weeks old...
Catching up...

On Sat, 2 Nov 2002, Pekka Nikander wrote:

> probably others.  Apparently, my personal position
> is that I'd like to see that
>    - identifiers are translated into locators
>      at the end-hosts, and the network performs
>      locator-locator translations if needed
>      e.g. for traffic engineering,

I can agree with this if the "network" system included the
identifier->locator mapping component, such that policy could be centrally
maintained within said "network".

Of course, link/path state would also have to be communicated to this same
component so that it can update the selection algorithm based on current
topology conditions.

That system would be responsible for selecting the proper locator based
upon the operators' policy -- whether it's to prefer a path because one of
my multi-homing connections is much less expensive, or because it's
generally a better network, or whatever.

Performing path selection based on left-side most matched bits between a
set of source locators and destination locators still has its drawbacks,
though, so I think there is a need for robustness in network visibility --
the multihomed end-user may need to receive routing table feeds from its
service providers to accomplish its policy objectives.


Craig A. Huegen, Chief Network Architect      C i s c o  S y s t e m s
IT Transport, Network Technology & Design           ||        ||
Cisco Systems, Inc., 400 East Tasman Drive          ||        ||
San Jose, CA  95134, (408) 526-8104                ||||      ||||
email: chuegen@cisco.com       CCIE #2100      ..:||||||:..:||||||:..