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Re: Host-based may be the way to go, but network controls areneccessary

On Tue, 19 Nov 2002, Craig A. Huegen wrote:

> The argument I meant to make is that I have not observed a consensus (or
> anywhere near it) that we should make IP space available to the large
> end-users from the RIR's.  To be honest, if we did come up with that
> conclusion for the large networks (and were able to classify "large
> networks" and address my "multi-site" comments below with it as well),
> then most of the problems of the large enterprise go away.

> I floated the idea of giving PI space to the large organizations earlier
> this year and vaguely remember it not getting a warm reception. :)

This can be a viable solution if you can figure out a way to limit the
number of globally visible PI blocks that are going to be assigned by
the RIRs. There doesn't seem to be a reasonable mechanism to accomplish

Note that today the RIRs seem to have firm policies, but in reality you
can pretty much get anything you want (save a /8) from them if you try
hard enough.