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RE: A possible solution for source-based site-exit routing


Thanks for the pointer.  Michel Py pointed this out to me earlier as
well.  This is apparantly yet another doc I hadn't read.

After quickly scanning through 2000-2002 multi6 archives, I could not
find any discussion on possible implementations of 'source address
dependent routing' using the 'parallel routing tables' approach.
There is no discussion on implementations of this in Christian's draft

-- aldrin

% -----Original Message-----
% From: marcelo bagnulo [mailto:marcelo@it.uc3m.es]
% Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 11:21 AM
% To: Aldrin Isaac; IETF-Multi6
% Subject: RE: A possible solution for source-based site-exit routing
% Hi Aldrin,
% Have you checked draft-huitema-multi6-hosts-01.txt section
% 4.2 Source address dependent routing?
% I think it presents something related to this.
% Regards, marcelo