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RE: Next question...

|   There is a difference between the host being aware of the routing
|   subsystem, and being aware of alternative locators. Yes the 
|   host has to
|   maintain state, but not much more than it would anyway, and 
|   the overall
|   system scales much better if state maintenance is at the edge rather
|   than somewhere in the middle.

Ok, so if the point is where to put locator selection policy, I think
that this is a much more bounded problem.  The two obvious proposals
are to

1) Put the locators in the host, so that it can control which locator
   it wants to use.  This allows the application to change locators if
   its service is unacceptable.

2) Put the locators in the border router.  This frees the host of the
   management burden, but makes it somewhat harder for a site to
   provide site-wide policy.

Note that either of these two alternatives could be enhanced by further
communications.  Either the border can inform the host of site policy,
or the host can inform the border of its local policy.  One could also
do both, but this is starting to look like a dromedary.

Does that about cover the high points?
