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RE: network controls are necessary

On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Tony Hain wrote:

> > This tells me that they are the wrong target community.  Especially
> > since even if we gave them 1000 prefixes each it wouldn't
> > make a dent in the routing system.

> The point was not to get their perspective on impact to the routing
> system (we already have enough of that). Rather it was to get their
> perspective on realistic scaling properties of host distribution and
> conformance to a policy. We are making cost / benefit trade-off's here,
> yet there seems to be a FUD campaign to keep one key set of input off
> the table.

Such large networks can simply use current multihoming mechanisms along
with current traffic engineering and policy expression mechanisms. If we
can create something that works for a 100 host network but not for
anything larger than 1000 hosts because it becomes too complex to
manage, I think that would meet the goals set for this wg. 250k host
networks are always going to be extremely complex to manage no matter
what you do.
