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Re: comments on draft-py-multi6-gapi-00.txt

On vrijdag, feb 7, 2003, at 14:03 Europe/Amsterdam, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

I'm still waiting for examples of significant internet use with no local OR regional interconnection.

Not that any of this is of practical importance with regard to the
decisions we are facing.

On the contrary, it all illustrates that there are very limited
economic forces driving the topology towards geographically-based
Ok. Suppose the unthinkable happens and all major networks decide to interconnect in just a single location. Let's also suppose the number of multihomers has inflated the routing table to about 10 times the size a router can handle. This can still be solved as per the provider-internal aggregation draft by simply installing 10 routers that all handle 1/10th of the routing table. In this case, the geographic component buys us nothing. But it doesn't hurt, either.