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Re: Architectural limitations of our routing architecture

On Monday, Feb 10, 2003, at 11:22 America/Montreal, Randy Bush wrote:

The routing architecture shared by IPv4 and IPv6 is broken at least with
respect to mobility and to multi-homing.
perhaps these consderations were not taken into account in the original
designs, and hence may deserve a kinder phrasing than "broken"
Fair.  Please substitute "sub-optimal" for broken and accept
my apologies for poor wording.

Multihoming a given site ought not need to be known or visible in the
default-free-zone of an ISP that is not directly connected to that
multi-homed site.
as this is not intuitively obvious, it needs motivation/justification
Also fair.

RFC-3221 has words on this topic that are far more elegant
than my own words could ever be.

