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RE: Resolving geo discussions

You were expecting a polished RFC?

Look, we need to have an architectural discussion.  We need
to sit, BS together and draw lots of pictures on white
boards.  Can we do that, or do we have to submit an Internet
Draft first?


|    -----Original Message-----
|    From: Randy Bush [mailto:randy@psg.com] 
|    Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:00 PM
|    To: Tony Li
|    Cc: Tim Chown; multi6@ops.ietf.org
|    Subject: RE: Resolving geo discussions
|    >> no solid content, no agenda.  no agenda, no meeting.
|    > I'm sorry but this is a crock Randy, and you know it.
|    > 
|    > The IETF should be about discussion and collaboration,
|    > not about marketing presentations.  Or at least that's
|    > what you used to say...
|    i guess, being in a startup, you might think that 'solid'
|    means marketing presentations.  i still don't.
|    <giggle>
|    randy