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Re: updating GSE for the new millennium

On Thu, 1 May 2003, David Conrad wrote:

> Peter,
> On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 11:42  PM, Peter Tattam wrote:
> > Additionally, I think it is a bad idea to relabel the source as the 
> > label
> > supplied is unlikely to be the best path.  The other end needs to 
> > determine
> > this.
> Agreed.
> >> Perhaps I misunderstand.  If the original values are restored before
> >> delivery at the final destination, the TCP/UDP checksums would compute
> >> correctly and IPSec would not be affected.
> >
> > For a TCP connection, the srce/dest part of checksum can be cached.  
> > One just
> > has to agree on knowing when to include the srce/dest pair in the 
> > checksum.
> > Another reason for determining if the packet is clean or dirty.  Minor
> > optimization that's all.  Don't forget that in Ipv6 we don't do IP 
> > header
> > checksumming any more.
> Right.  Not convinced this would be necessary, but understand what 
> you're saying.
> > We need to search for protocols that depend on the addresses in the 
> > header
> > being intact and work out whether the packet needs to be reconstructed 
> > or
> > cached values can be used instead.
> This would be the same set that is sensitive to NAT.


> > If we are considering very high speeds,
> > this could be important.  Messing with the packet in transit could be a
> > performance hit and if we can get away without doing it, all the 
> > better.
> As the rewriting occurs only at the edges, I don't believe extreme 
> performance is that critical (relative to the core).

not at this stage.  It will however introduce some latency even if the boxen
can keep up.

> > This is the really tough bit.  Maintaining an accurate and secure 
> > database of
> > mappings is non-trivial.  Each site has their own specific view of the 
> > network
> > topology which makes this quite different to the DNS system.
> Sorry, don't follow.  The mapping table (in my view) is independent of 
> topology -- it is a simple key/value pair where the key is the site 
> identifier and the value is the set of one or more ISP provided 
> aggregation locators from ISPs providing service to that site.  The 
> border device at the source fetches the appropriate value based on the 
> first 48 bits of the destination address and rewrites the destination 
> address with (one of) the aggregation locator(s).  Where a destination 
> is multi-homed, the policy determining which out of a set of 
> aggregation locators is chosen would be administratively defined by the 
> source site administrator (although I can imagine some sort of 
> preference information being provided by the destination in the mapping 
> table).
> I gather your view is different?

yes, radically.  What you describe is a semi static view of the network.  In
reality, you have to pick which one of the mappings is suitable to translate.
It is not possible for the advertising site to determine this because the
best path to reach that site will depend on where you are in the internet.
This choice can only be made based on either tracing all possible paths to the
site, or relying on information gathered about the network.  I think this is a
point which is constantly overlooked in the debate over MH solutions which
rely on some kind of mapping tables.

> With regards to maintaining the mapping table, I see two generic ways 
> of doing this, either pushing data out like routing protocols or 
> pulling data in on demand like the DNS.  Both are (obviously) tractable 
> and both have advantages and disadvantages.  For obvious reasons I like 
> the DNS model (not necessarily the DNS itself), but I see this is a 
> side (albeit important) issue to the underlying architecture.

Try a few examples of a complex MH network with both ends being nulti homed and
on opposite sides of the DFZ and you should understand what I am getting at.  I
have mention the push vs pull approaches to distributing the MH information.  I
still contend that because of routing topology, a simplistic view like DNS
won't fly IMHO.

> > The only other issue I wonder about is using single box to do 
> > translations at
> > the site boundary.  Because such a box is an insertion, it could be a 
> > single
> > point of failure, and could well have scalability issues.
> In as much as the existing border router is a single point of failure 
> or potential bottleneck, yes.  In my view, the mapping/re-mapping 
> functionality could easily be integrated into the site border router.  
> A separate box would also make sense.  Note that if it is a separate 
> box, you can have more than one.

I agree that because it will be stateless so theoretically you could do load
balancing with parallel boxes or have a standby box for emergency use. 

> Rgds,
> -drc

Peter R. Tattam                            peter@trumpet.com
Managing Director,    Trumpet Software International Pty Ltd
Hobart, Australia,  Ph. +61-3-6245-0220,  Fax +61-3-62450210