Some notions that seem relatively undisputed:
- we separate the identifier and locator functions so we can have
multiple locators and still have a single identifier
- IP in transit works with locators, everything above the IP layer with
the identifier
:-)Yep. And I think tunneling is one approach to implement this.
There might be an attribute of transparency that can be derived from the aboveI think this is what happens, and I sure think this should be what happens.
(not that I know we'd agree on it):
Assume that layer X in the stack is operating on locators (where there might
be arguments for X=transport and X=application, but that is separate
discussion) then X will send a packet with some source locator and some
destination locator.
The transpareency attribute would be that the X layer on the receiver
receive the same packet (apart from TTL) as the sender sent.
This leads to the following questions:
- what should identifiers look like?
We know that looking up stuff in a flat namespace isn't pretty. If we truly want the identifier to be the identifier, then we need to be able to look up stuff such as locators based on the identifier. We can also have something at an even higher level that is used as the "real" identifier, I think this is what the HIP people do by mapping from the FQDN to the crypto ID and the locators but not from the crypto ID directly to the locators.More detailed questions in this area are: - are identifiers flat or do they have internal structure?
- are (the fields of) the identifiers managed for uniqueness and otherI would like to make as few assumptions about the identifiers as possible, so we can use different kinds of identifiers and not just IPv6 addresses. FQDNs would make good identifiers. Cryptographic hashes are also useful identifiers for some purposes. But that means we have to design for the lowest common denominator = no real structure = hard to look up.
purposes or are they more or less random? (If there is internal structure
potentially different fields can be different in this respect.)
- when receiving packets, how do we know (= better than take her word for it) the correspondent's identifier?
If there is a system that maps to identifiers to locators there isAnd yet it has to be simple enough that people who don't know an X.509 certificate from a piece of toilet paper can deploy it.
also the issue of authenticating and authorizing entries (new and updates)
to that system.
Then there is the address selection problem. We know that the current
"pick one and die if it doesn't work" approach is no good so we have to
come up with something better.
I assume you meant "locator selection" and not "address selection". :-)
Aarghh, yes... Iljitsch