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Re: Options to consider [Re: tunneling [Was: Agenda for Vienna]]

I personally like conservative approaches. Brian, you asked in another
message whether multi-addressing is desirable. I don't think that the
working group should try to answer that "desirability" question. If we
want to make progress, we should rather charter two groups, and then let
the market choose. I would much rather see one group working on the
multi-addressing solution and another working on the split
locator-identifier solution, than trying to coerce everybody in a single
I agree with you that we should explore both solutions, but I don't think having two groups and eventually two standards will benefit anyone. Especially from a operational perspective where we would end up having to maintain both solutions.

I would rather suggest to form two design teams then.

So I guess one of the short term exercises should be to
draft a comprehensive charter for a multi-addressing working group. If
we could adopt that in Vienna, we would have achieved something.

See above.

- kurtis -