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Re: DNS based Destination Selection

On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 09:41 Canada/Eastern, Kurt Erik Lindqvist wrote:

On torsdag, jun 19, 2003, at 10:50 Europe/Stockholm, David Gethings wrote:

Will it work in every situation: no. Does it offer enough functionality
that a reasonalbe proportion of multihomed sites will wish to use it: I
believe so. Is the cost of changing DNS and host stacks worth it: I
honestly do not know.
The problem with DNS for this purpose is as Brian pointed out some
weeks (months?) ago - you create circular dependencies.
But as we discussed in the thread which followed that observation, circular dependencies can be managed (e.g. by way of a bootstrap procedure). So the fact that a circular dependency might exist does not necessarily indicate a dead end.
