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Re: Minutes / Notes


> > 1) On slide of "loc/id separation", the mapping from FQDN should not be
> >
> > 	FQDN -> ID -> Locators
> >
> > but should be
> >
> > 	FQDN -> (ID, Locators)
> Are you claiming that an ID to locator mapping is not needed?

No. See (hopefully revised) minutes.

> > 2) On slide of pros and cons of "small", all the "cons" are wrong
> > as follows.
> >
> > 	2.1) Work with unaggregatable MAC namespace
> > 	or break autoconfiguration
> >
> > 	Structured ID can be autoconfigured by DHCP.
> >
> I guess Iljitsch was talking about stateless autoconfig RFC 2462

RFC2462 does not give any useful definition of autoconfiguration.

For example, in DNSOP WG, people, including those of IPv6 ones,
are discussing autoconfiguration with DHCP.

> > 	2.2) Can't trust incoming id-loc association
> >
> > 	Association between an ID and locators is secure if they
> > 	are contained in a single packet.
> No. It is less secure than today usage of IP addresses (not talking about
> DNS)
> (see previous mail)

It is as secure as the Internet today with an address binded both to
an ID and an locator.

							Masataka Ohta