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RE: MIPv6 hopeless


> > > The aplication of MIP to multi-homing support that i am describing
> > > does not use a home agent
> > 
> > A mobile host has a stable address(es) to be published by, say, DNS.
> > 
> > Something taking care of the address(es) is the home agent.
> and the mobile node when it is at the home network?

Are you saying that the mobile node is always at the home network?


> > > NO.
> > > Read mipv6 specification and in particular read the description of
> > > return routability procedure
> > 
> > Read the draft and think.
> > 
> > There is no return packet, if you have no idea on where to
> > send a initial packet.
> So, where is the shared secret?

Read the draft.

							Masataka Ohta