This realm encompasses three bits of functionality:
1. Rendezvous -- finding someone without existing context between the finder
and the findee. In classic client-server scenarios, that is what we use the
DNS for. Clearly, some mobility scenarios create challenges that existing DNS
mechanisms do not cover.
2. Multi-address support -- or rather, making it possible for a specific
host-pair transport context to be able to use more than one address over the
life of the association.
3. Multi-address use -- intelligently choosing among multiple available addresses.
SD> - I agree with Matataka's note that selecting an interface is not an
SD> easy problem.
I agree. That's why MAST says a) it's a hard problem, worthy of study, and b) until we understand it better, be simplistic and conservative.
IvB> But is it realistic to expect to deploy a technology in IPv4 that uses
IvB> up additional address space?
MAST does not use up new address space in IPv4 or IPv6. None.
IvB> If you only have two paths you're going to try the second one anyway
IvB> when the first fails because there is no reasonable alternative course
IvB> of action. If you have more paths there is a signicant chance that
IvB> several of them will fail because of the same underlying problem.
Round-robin is sometimes a fine approach. Sometimes it has problems. Just
because a re-try is necessary does not automatically making trying an
alternative address the right thing to do.
IvB> If you really want to be cool, _use_ the different paths concurrently.
IvB> I'm convinced that as soon as we've got the basic multiadressing
IvB> mechanisms in place, load balancing single TCP sessions over multiple
IvB> paths will be the next big thing.
I've always felt that the fastest way to switchover to an alternate path is to already be using it. Still, this is sensitive stuff and needs to be
approached carefully.