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Re: about draft-nordmark-multi6-noid-00


Red herring.

Encapsulation and notification formats are a merely minor issue
of multihoming.

An essential problem of multiaddress multihoming is when to
try alternative addresses, which involves transport/application
layers, as the IP layer has no notion of time (save TTL limitation
of 255 of IPv4).

However, your draft says that

 The solution does not
 introduce a "stack name" type of identifier, instead it ensures that
 all upper layer protocols can operate unmodified in a multihomed
 setting while still seeing a stable IPv6 address.

it does not address the problem and is, like Dave's MAST, totally meaningless.

It should also be noted that changes on host identification
(from IP address to something else such as FQDN) means a
protocol change at upper (at least at the transport) layers
that "all upper layer protocols can operate unmodified" is
a false statement.

Masataka Ohta


It is really a wast of bandwidth to read poor proposals not
understanding requirements described in my drafts long ago.

Do read the drafts.