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MAST Review JimBo


Attached are revs of MAST and CHOICE.  Bottom line is I think MAST
should just stick to multiaddreses injection btw transport and IP layer.
But, I think SCTP does this fine and any extensions your model proposes
is input to SCTP.  

I think also you should label MAST as a "Reference Model" stage no one
could implement this except maybe a rapid base prototype and then only
by consulting with you.  Not ideal for implementation.  So for now I
believe you have a model.  But I see no advantage at all over SCTP and
SCTP does this naturally to support multiple addreses and has mechanisms
to add them and delete them.  The model discussion is fine here and part
of the multi6 charter for problem to solve at hand.  But the actual work
on a real architecture and spec I think would be done as new WG in
Transport Area.  But as I said SCTP solves this problem.  

On CHOICE I think this should become two drafts and orthogonal to MAST.
One is a draft on emerging terminology that would exists next to our
multi6 requirements.  The other one would be the long list of
"assumptions" you state about our required terminology.  These should be
separate efforts and have nothing to do with MAST.


     Classic Internet transport protocols use a single source IP
     address and a single destination IP address, as part of the
     identification for an individual data flow.  TCP includes these
     in its definition of a connection and its calculation of the
     header checksum.  Hence the transport service is tied to a
     particular IP address pair. This is problematic for multihomed
     hosts and for mobile hosts. They cannot use more than one, for
     any single transport association (context).  Multiple Address
     Service for Transport (MAST) defines a mechanism that supports
     association of multiple IP addresses with any transport
     association.  It requires no change to the Internet
     infrastructure, no change to IP modules or transport modules in
     the end-systems, and no new administrative effort. Instead, it
     defines a layer between classic IP and transport that operates
     only in the end systems and affects only participating hosts.
     Additional functionality is obtained by use of a DNS and
     "presence" rendezvous service.

JB> Adding a layer between the transport and IP layer that supports the
Internet Protocol suite is not trivial, significant to implementations, and 
must maintain cohesion between the two layers regarding state of a 
     3.   PROTOCOL
     6.   RENDEZVOUS
     6.1. DNS
     6.2. PRESENCE
     8.3. MAST AGENT

JB> TOC should have page numbers.

     Classic Internet transport protocols use a single source IP
     address and a single destination IP address, as part of the
     identification for an individual transport data flow.  For
     example, TCP includes these in its definition of a connection and
     its calculation of the header checksum.  Hence a classic
     transport association is tied to a particular IP address pair.
     This is problematic for multihomed hosts and for mobile hosts.
     Both have access to multiple IP addresses, but they are prevented
     from using more than one within an existing transport exchange.
     For a host to use a different IP address pair, participants must
     initiate a new exchange.  In the case of TCP, this means a new
     In recent years, there have been efforts to overcome many of
     these limitations, through different approaches at different
     places in the Internet architecture. Some modify the IP
     infrastructure, with embedded redirection services.  Some define
     transport enhancements to support a set of addresses directly,
     and some define a layer between classic IP and classic transport.
     Each of the existing proposals has notable limitations in
     functionality, implementation, deployment or use. A discussion of
     the architectural choices and summary of existing multiaddressing
     projects is in [CHOICE].

JB> Comments are provided to [CHOICE} in other review.
     Multiple Address Service for Transport (MAST) supports
     association of multiple IP addresses during the life of any
     transport instantiation, by defining a layer between IP and
     transport. It operates only in the end systems and affects only
     participating hosts. MAST does not require modification to the
     Internet infrastructure and does not require modification to any
     host's IP or transport modules, although improved functionality
     can be obtained with some changes.

JB> Adding a layer between the transport and IP layer that supports the
Internet Protocol suite is not trivial, significant to implementations, and 
must maintain cohesion between the two layers regarding state of a 
     Further, MAST works with existing IPv4 and IPv6 transport
     services and it is useful to any two hosts that try to use it

JB> The transport service other than checksum is no different between 
IPv4 and IPv6.  This statement is miss leading the reader.

     with each other. It does not define any new naming or addressing
     structure. It has no additional packet header overhead and
     minimal additional packet-processing overhead. It employs
     existing administrative structures. Hence MAST has a low barrier
     to adoption and use, while permitting more advanced functions
     with more extensive adoption and modification.

JB> Any changes to the IP stack on any implementation requires 
extensive review and analysis and must be checked for performance
costs and affect to the robustness of that new code. The above
should state that for the causual reader.  Above implies other 
     MAST may be invoked at any time, before or during a transport
     association. A host may initiate and conduct a classic, single IP-
     pair TCP connection. It may then separately query for remote host
     support of MAST and initiate a MAST exchange to be used by that
     connectivity.  Either participant is then free to add or remove
     addresses. Of course, use of MAST may instead be performed before
     a transport context is established, so that future contexts
     immediately have access to multiple IP addresses.

JB> SCTP does this very well and is well defined transport 
protocol widely implemented and available today in products.
I understand it is discussed in CHOICE but it should be 
mentioned here so a reader knows there is a significant
alternative and worked on in the IETF community. 
     For a multihomed host, it will be reasonable to associate
     multiple IP addresses with a transport context at the time the

JB> Replace context with association above and throughout the doc.

     first context between that host-pair is initiated.  For a mobile
     host, addresses may be added and removed as the host moves across
     the Internet fabric, acquiring and losing use of different IP

JB> Replace acquiring/losing with adding/removing.  Remove "fabric"
it is redundant word next to Internet in this context.

     Over the life of a mobile transport context,
     different addresses might be active at different times. Support
     is provided for continuation of service across complete
     connectivity interruptions to mobile hosts, when a host's set of
     available IP addresses becomes empty and the host later re-
     acquires a usable IP address.

JB> The above mobile wording is very poor have you read MIPv6 
the IETF has clear terms and methods to refer to this please 
be consistent with our work in other groups.
     NOTE:     The MAST proposal exploits the considerable
               HIP work done to uncover usability issues and
               edge conditions.  MAST suggests the same core
               functionality as HIP and LIN6, and a similar
               approach, but uses a simpler protocol, with a
               somewhat narrower functional focus.

JB> I find this to be handwaving and political to push this
spec in the same way technically as HIP and LIN6 and this 
is not the case.  This spec is not even close to the type
of technical narative as HIP and LIN6, at this time. 
ALso references in this spec where this is proven or
CHOICE should be supported or this NOTE should be 

1.1. Terminology
     This proposal considers a method that will enable an endpoint
     (host) to use multiple addresses during single application
     associations (sessions).
     "Agent" refers to a forwarding service that represents an
     endpoint for multiaddressing.

JB> This is all that is needed for Terminology the below is 
not relative.

     For mobility, the agent resides on
     the "home" network and relays datagrams to the endpoints actual
     location on the Internet.  The endpoints are modified to support
     this forwarding technique. For multihoming, an agent hides the
     presence of multiple addresses from the endpoint located on the
     local network.
     "Mobility" refers to the availability of different addresses over

JB> Same comment as above.  This is completely different than everyone
elses definition of mobility in the IETF I know but ok its your spec.

     This may even include discontinuities, with no available
     addresses, at times. It also may include overlapping availability
     of addresses. Interestingly, this looks the same as multihoming.
     "Multihoming" refers to the availability of multiple addresses

JB> This is completely wrong and see Multi6 Requiremens document for one
definition of multihoming.  Same comment as above.

     It is typically used to refer to multiple network
     attachments for a host, but works equally well for multiple
     upstream network attachments by the local network, when the
     different upstream addresses are visible to the host.
     Interestingly, multihomed environments often must support dynamic
     changes, such as when adding a new upstream provider. Therefore,
     multihoming can include mobility features and mobility can
     include multihoming features.
     "Path discovery" provides a sender with the means for learning
     about the addresses from which they can send.

JB> This is address discovery not path discovery.  Bloating 
and overloading terms to be perceived to be something other than
what it is does not help this specs clarity.
     "Path selection" is required when more than one address is
     available to the sender. Although the sender is limited to
     specifying an address, rather than a path, it appears that
     thinking of it as path selection aid consideration of solutions.
     In effect, it formulates the selection task as being similar to
     the job of routers.

JB> Sentence is far to long and needs to be broken up at a 
minimum.  But implementors have to code to what is in the 
spec not what it can make one think of in a spec?  Address 
selection is better.  I suspect your trying to be all things
to all people who read this for identifiers and locators. Bad
to support politics in specs.

     Route formulation is mature technology, so
     that this aspect of multiaddress processing will be tractable, if
     not straightforward.

JB> So?  Whats your point?
     "Rendezvous" permits a host that is initiating an association to
     find the target of the association, such as a client finding a
     server. "Finding" means obtaining a valid address for the target.
     A public process is required for rendezvous. The primary Internet
     mechanism for rendezvous has been the Domain Name Service (DNS).
     The DNS used long, variable-length strings (names) and is
     tailored for large-scale rendezvous with names and addresses
     (mappings) that change infrequently.

1.2. Discussion Venue
     Discussion and commentary are encouraged about the topics
     presented in this document. The preferred forum is the
     <mailto:multi6@ops.ietf.org> mailing list, for which archives and
     subscription information are available at

1.3. Document History
     -00      Initial proposal. Basic concepts. Heavy reliance
              on SCTP and DCCP for style of solutions and
              implied detail.
     -01            Substantial reorganization.
               Added more detail to MAST, including rendezvous
                    and agent, adjunct services
               Extended discussions about alternative proposals
                    and architectural issues, moved to -analysis-
               Removed explicit SCTP/DCCP usage.
               Removed NAT references from architecture

     MAST has four requirements:
     a)   The goal for this service is to support the use of multiple IP
          addresses by either participant in a transport association.

JB> Change participant to peer.

     b)   The service should require no changes to the IP network
          infrastructure, to the IP layer in end-systems, or to the 
          transport layer in the end-systems.
          All knowledge of the service, and all activity about it,
          must reside only in the end-systems using it. In order to
          avoid start-of-association operation, the service must
          support operation of classic transport associations, with
          post-hoc introduction of the multiaddress mechanism.
     c)   The service must be resilient against classic, basic security
          threats, especially spoofing (association hijacking).

     d)   The service must operate across administrative and operational
          boundaries and across address translation boundaries (NAT).

     This section discusses MAST operations between participating

3.1. Transaction model
     MAST uses a simple request/response. Each request receives a
     response. The response forms the basis of MAST transaction
     reliability.  A request is retransmitted when a response is not
     received.  Retransmission rules use the usual exponential

JB> How are the request/response transmitted?
     <STATE        As guidance about the association
     DIAGRAM>      relationship between two participating MAST
                   hosts, SCTP Section 4, "SCTP Association
                   State Diagram" provides a useful, starting
                   framework. See [SCTPMOB] for discussion of
                   mobility enhancements that are applicable
                   to MAST.

JB> I really have an issue with this.  Put a MAST diagram in here
this is the first reference to SCTP in the spec now.  MAST spec 
should build and show its own state diagram.

JB> Also this section 3,1 needs to discuss the transaction model and is
completely missing here. It is not discussed further down in the spec
either.  This is a huge hole.

3.2. Association Attributes
     An MAST association is between a pair of hosts, defined by
     endpoint identifiers, an association label and a transaction
     sequence identifier.
     It comprises a domain name double, an Association Nonce double,
     and a transaction sequence number (TSN) double:
          Endpoint       Globally unique, macro-labels
          identifiers:   comprising a domain name for each host
          Endpoint       Association nonce, with cryptographic
          association    protection against hijacking. It is an
          label:         internal identifier for the MAST
                         association; it comprises a random
                         value, such as defined in Section
                         6.4.2, "Connection Nonce Feature" and
                         used in Section 6.4.3, "Identification
                         Option", in [DCCP].  Also see [RAND].
          Sequence       A Transaction Sequence Number (TSN)
          label:         indicates data flow during the
                         association and is used for detecting
                         duplicates, detecting missing data,
                         and correlating responses
     NOTE:     More complex association behaviors are
               possible, such as permitting specification of
               address subsets for different transport
               context. This level of sophistication is beyond
               the scope of the current effort, but will be
               interesting to explore after a basic capability
               is achieved.

JB> The above is not descriptive enough even for a model
piece of work let alone and architecture or implementation

3.3. The INIT Operation

JB> The transaction model needs more definition before this 
     At the beginning of a MAST session, each host sends an "init"
     element, to create a host-pair association and define the initial
     set of valid addresses that may be used. The association is fully
     established after each host has received an acknowledgement to
     the "init" operation that it sent.

JB> What does beginning to above refer too?  I am lost? Is the init
in a TCP packet?  A UDP packet etc?  
     The "init" operation includes:
          *    Sender and Receiver domain names
          *    Association Nonce
          *    TSN
          *    List of sender IPv4 and IPv6 addresses

JB> So the host above has to go out of band (note in most implementations
that is in the kernel where network subsystems exist) and find the domain
names? Of the src/dst address?  Its not clear above.

JB> You present a model not a spec or archictecture is what I think now.
SCTP is fully specified protocol you should not compare this to SCTP
in any way other than a model and the model needs more work here.

3.4. The SET Operation
     When a host wants to specify a new list of its own IP addresses,
     supported in this MAST association with the other host, it sends
     a "SET" operation to the other host.
     This function is isomorphic with the INIT operation, except that
     it uses the existing "Association Nonce" and continues the
     existing TSN sequence.

JB> How can it be isomorphic and maintain same TSN space?

     The domain names must be the same as were
     used in the "init" operation for this association.
     A SET operation may occur after a complete interruption of
     service, such as when a mobile host has not had connectivity for
     a time, and then reacquires access to the network.  In this case,
     the set of sender addresses is likely to have no members in
     common with the set that was valid before the interruption.
     NOTE:      A complete list of valid addresses is included,
                rather than specifying only incremental
                changes. The list of valid addresses is small
                and does not require the synchronization
                complexity of an incremental function.

JB> This should be more than a note but integral to the discussion.

3.5. The PROBE Operation
     Status of the association is queried with the "probe" operation.
     It serves three functions:

JB> Which nodes are you speaking of needs to be included for context.
          *    Permit a sender to discover the IP address and port number, 
               being presented to a receiver, if subject to NAT 
               transformations; the receiving MAST participant responds with 
               the sender's IP address and port number it received in the IP 
               datagram for the PROBE operation.
          *    Confirm the continued utility of the destination address used 
               for the PROBE operation.

JB> What does confirm the continued utility mean?

          *    Provide an association keep-a-live.

JB> How is this done exactly?  I know what TCP keep-a-live is?
     The "probe" operation includes:
          *    Association Nonce
          *    TSN
          *    Sender and Receiver IP addresses
     The IP addresses in the "probe" operation are the same as are
     specified by the sender in the containing IP datagram.
     The "probe response" operation includes:
          *    Association Nonce
          *    TSN
          *    Received MAST Probe-level Sender and Receiver IP 
          *    Received IP-level Sender and Receiver IP addresses

3.6. The SHUT Operation
     The SHUT operation terminates use of MAST between a host-pair; it
     uses a 3-way graceful close, with no half-open state.
     The "shut" operation includes:
          *    Association Nonce
          *    TSN
          *    Sender and Receiver domain names

3.7. The ERR Operation
     ERR elements are sent, in MAST, when there is an error.
     The "err" operation includes:
          *    Association Nonce
          *    TSN
          *    Error information

JB> All of the above section needs more description and technical depth 
with explanation and needs to be expanded. It is quite unclear.

     The MAST control exchange has modest transfer (transport)
     requirements, except that it must itself be able to operate by
     using multiple IP addresses for each host.  Transactions are
     small and are expected to be infrequent.  However they must be
     reliably delivered, and they must be secure, with respect to
     redirection and replay attacks by third parties.
     A simple use of UDP will suffice, with MAST responses providing
     the needed transfer acknowledgement. The full specification will
     provide for retransmission controls.

JB> Ok then call this a model.
     Security is built into the MAST protocol, rather than its
     transfer service.

JB> Thus far I see no protocol defined for MAST so I don't know
how to gauge what that means and verify this is true from reading
this spec.

     The minimal level of implicit source validation that exists
     within existing transport services' use of IP is eliminated with
     multiaddressing.  This invites hijacking attacks.

JB> Uh.........help me how do you not use IP again??????????????
Not clear what your trying to define or say.
     At the start of an association, MAST establishes association
     nonce that is used for later exchanges.  This nonce is created
     while only one address is in force.
     The method of establishing the nonce will follow the lines of
     PBK, SCTP or DCCP, as dictated by the limited security
     requirements to prevent hijacking.

     How does one endpoint find another? The current answer is DNS.
     However multiaddressing introduces some challenges. Classic DNS
     use permits finding a set of addresses associated with a domain
     name. For finding a static, multihomed target, this is probably
     sufficient. The fact that the initiator is mobile can be
     communicated to the target by the initiator.

JB> This means nodes are doing DNS lookups twice or in a the model 
MAST forces additional name service lookup once potentially in 
user space to get the address now in the kernel to get another
address.  During a TCP transaction that could be a problem 
especially when a node is moving at 1000 mph.
     However when the target is mobile, an additional support
     mechanism is needed. This section defines an adjunct service to
     finding mobile targets.

JB> OK so now you hand wave.  Just take mobility out of this spec is
my advice.

6.1. DNS
     Rendezvous with mobile targets is supported through a two-stage
     process.  A domain name is used as the stable, public EID.

JB> We have not even agreed to what an EID is in mutli6 I doubt your
going to get away with this here.
     An SRV record is defined to reference a dynamic "presence"
     service through which an endpoint can register its current set of
     IP addresses.

JB> Errrrrrrrrrr. This is far to much overhead to do in an IP stack
betweent the transport and IP layer.  SCTP was invented and built to
solve this problem.  Dave tbis is a hack job to the stack.

6.2. Presence
     The requirement to discover current IP addresses for an endpoint,
     and to be notified when they change, suits existing presence
     service models rather nicely.
     MAST is defined to use the presence service available through
     [XMPP]. The definition of this mechanism will be for standard
     XMPP, with some addressing conventions to specify the target
     system's domain name at a particular presence server.
     Development of the detailed specification may lead to choosing a
     different service. However, dynamic rendezvous is an adjunct
     function for MAST.  Hence it is not essential to develop this
     capability for initial use of the service.

JB> Have to see the use case and spec addition.  No comment.

     Having gained access to the list of IP addresses by which a
     destination host may be reached, a sender must select one, for
     the next set of data. As with any dynamic resource selection
     opportunity, the choice of schemes is extensive and can be quite
     sophisticated. However until there is experience with the basic
     dynamics of this service, conservative usage models are
     As with SCTP, the conservative approach is to choose a primary
     address and use others as alternatives only to ensure robustness
     to the association.  Periodic use of the PROBE operation to each
     addresses that the other side purports to have available will
     provide basic path availability and performance data.

JB> No comment how you can even compare this to SCTP is beyond me.
SCTP is a finely tuned transport protocol this is at best an idea.

     The MAST protocol only provides for controlled and protected
     exchange of address lists.  The utility of these lists hinges on
     their integration into host networking stack services.

8.1. Typical Transport Interfacing
     This discussion considers addition of MAST to an existing
     Internet protocol stack. It is possible to integrate MAST more
     tightly and efficiently, but this is not an immediate concern for
     early adoption of the service.

JB> Do you mean rapid prototyping for proof of concept which is long
before early adoption.
     MAST must be added to a host implementation of Internet Protocol
     and associated transport services, in a way that is transparent
     to the IP module and the transport modules.  It is injected
     between IP and transport.  Interfacing to IP transparently is

JB> As implementor that is not clear to me from this spec?
     For classic transport services that use IP addresses, it is
     necessary to present a single, consistent address during the life
     of the association.  When MAST is invoked after the start of a
     transport association, the transport service will already have a
     particular address that it associates with the other participant.
     In this case, it is easiest to map the packets being handed up to
     the transport layer, from additional addresses into the original

JB> I can guess ok.  Are you saying this is a call out to inject as 
you say above in the stack?  I could argue this could be done 
in user space too.  But not now.
     Another approach is to make all destination addresses appear to
     the transport service as coming from an internally allocated
     address, such as one allocated in [PRIV].  A networking software
     stack would use public IP addresses for rendezvous functions, but
     transport would re-use addresses from this private, internal
     address space.

JB> Yuck.  Thats putting NAT into my stack.  I don't think so Dave.

8.2. MAST through NAT
     Network Address Translation [NAT] devices map one address space
     into another, typically between an intranet set of host addresses
     to a smaller set of Internet addresses.  In effect, they use port
     numbers as a means of mapping internal hosts to the smaller set
     of external addresses.
     This causes problems for any transport that performs end-system
     calculations that using IP addresses.  The end system does the
     calculations on one set of addresses, but the NAT device changes
     an address, so that the calculation by the receiving party will
     not be correct.  Hence, NAT devices also need to know about
     transport-level use of IP addresses and must adjust the values
     for those calculations carried in transport (or above) headers.
     MAST exacerbates this situation, since the mapping between IP
     address and transport calculations is more complicated.  Whereas
     there used to be only one IP address to worry about, now there
     can be more.
     Note the section 4.3 specification of the "probe" operation, to
     discover NAT transformation on the sender's address.

JB> No comment hopefully NAT is dead with IPv6 for most cases.

8.3. MAST Agent
     Multihoming is often a feature of a network, rather than a host.
     Hosts often do not know that there are multiple Internet
     connections, especially when the local network uses internal
     (private) addressing that is different from the network's public
     In these cases, it might be possible for MAST to be implemented
     as a feature of the local network's NAT function, rather than in
     the end-system. Since the NAT is already doing address
     translation, adding MAST only requires that the NAT query the
     other end of the communication, to obtain permission to add MAST
     exchanges and multiple addresses.

          A.1. Acknowledgements
          A.2. References
          A.3. Author's Adress
          A.4. Full Copyright Statement

JB> Please have page numbers for the TOC

          "We need a way for sites to be internally stable even
          when their relationship to the world around them
          changes for whatever reason."
                                                       -- E. Lear

JB> I disagree.  Chaos is the natural order of things, trying to make things
stable in nature mutates natures purpose and pollutes the planet earth
with all sorts of problems we later deal with.  It is better to adapt to
chaos through proceses that accept the chaos.  Same for networking.
     An IP Address serves as references to a "place" on the Internet
     and to a host on the Internet. These two roles are generally
     labeled "locator" and "identifier", respectively. Systems that
     use IP Addresses as identifiers typically cannot support dynamic
     changes in the mapping between the identifier and the locator.
     For example, TCP includes a single source/destination IP Address
     pair in its definition of a connection.  Hence its transport
     association is tied to that pair. This is problematic for hosts
     that are multihomed or mobile.  Both have access to multiple IP
     Addresses, but they are prevented from using more than one within
     an existing context, because the context is named by that pair.
     For a system to use a different IP Address pair, participants
     must initiate a new exchange.  In the case of TCP, this means a
     new connection.

JB> Mobile is wide topic suggest you remove this from the introduction.
     In recent years, there have been efforts to overcome this
     limitation, through different approaches at different places in
     the Internet architecture. Some approaches modify the IP
     infrastructure, with embedded redirection services.  Some define
     transport enhancements to support a set of locators directly, and
     some define a layer between classic IP and classic transport. The
     primary goal of these multiaddressing efforts is to preserve
     established connections when an IP Address changes. Each of the
     existing proposals has notable limitations in functionality,
     implementation, deployment or use.

JB> Exactly which problems and which ones were addressed please.
     This paper reviews the basic requirements for support of
     multiaddressing (mobility and multihoming), and the efforts to
     support them. Barriers to adoption, administrative overhead, and
     operational efficiency are of particular concern. In addition,
     the analysis considers enhanced functionality that is possible
     from the use of multiaddressing, such as performance-based load-
     sharing, across the different locators available to a multihomed

JB> Remove mobility above and stick to multihoming.

1.1. Scenarios
     What are the situations and concerns that affect design and use
     of a mechanism for the support of multiaddressing?
          Section 3 of [MOBMH], has an excellent discussion of these
          It is included here by reference without section 3.2.
          Section 3.2 covers an interesting topic that appears to be
          independent of multiaddressing.
          The included text comprises the following sub-
          3.     Usage scenarios
          3.1    End-host mobility
          3.2    Location privacy à
          3.3    End-host multi-homing
          3.4    Site multi-homing
          3.5    Combined mobility and multi-homing
          3.6    Network renumbering
          3.7    Combined all

JB> Spec should put this in the spec or discuss it more than
justn reference.

1.2. IETF Background
     Historically, IETF focus on mobility has split between initial
     attachment configurations, into an otherwise static environment
     such as by using DHCP, versus forwarding mechanisms, such as by
     modifying the IP infrastructure with Mobile IP.  Multihoming has
     largely been ignored, except in routing protocol work. Recent
     efforts are pursuing direct enhancements to transport or
     insertion of a mapping layer between IP and transport. There has
     also been adjunct activity, relevant to this topic.
     The following summary of IETF activities draws on text from the
     Abstracts of documents for those activities. In addition, there
     is a useful analysis of the different architectural and protocol
     efforts is in Section 3, "Internet Stack Placement" in [NSRG].
     Specification efforts are discussed in more detail in Section
          The Name Space Research Group [NSRG] considered
          modifications to the Internet architecture, including
          whether an additional level of naming is needed, above layer
          3 but below the application layer. Purpose-Built Keys [PBK]
          specifies a template for the use of specially generated
          public/private key pairs, to provide assurance that
          successive messages in the communication come from the same
          source. This is accomplished without the use of external
          certification authorities. Hence it ensures authentic
          continuity during a session, but does not provide "global"
          or "absolute" authentication.
          Stream Control Transmission Protocol [SCTP] is a reliable
          transport protocol for multiplexed data streams.  It
          includes modern mechanisms for safe initiation of a
          connection, as well as the necessary tools for reliability
          and congestion control.  It also has a mechanism for
          communication access to multiple IP Addresses between the
          participation host pair.  [TCP-MH] uses TCP options to
          support multihoming. Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
          [DCCP] is a proposal for a network-friendly, unreliable
          transport-level datagram delivery service.
          Mobile IP work has divided between IPv4 and IPv6. [MIP4] and
          [MIP6] allow a node to continue using its "permanent" home
          address as it moves around the internet.
          Host Identity Protocol [HIP] is used to establish a rapid
          authentication between two hosts and to provide continuity
          of communications between those hosts independent of the
          networking layer. The [LIN6] protocol defines a layer that
          supports multiple locators, between IPv6 and transport.
          Multiple Address Service for Transport [MAST] supports
          association of multiple IP Addresses during the life of any
          transport instantiation, by defining a layer between IP and
          transport. It operates only in the endpoints and works with
          IPv4 and IPv6.

JB> Your point is?  

1.3. Discussion Venue
     Discussion and commentary are encouraged about the topics
     presented in this document. The preferred forum is the
     <mailto:multi6@ops.ietf.org> mailing list, for which archives and
     subscription information are available at
     NOTE:    The early drafts of a review document, like this,
              are certain to have significant errors.  The
              author strongly requests guidance for clarifying
              and correcting any problematic text.
              In particular, those working on the proposals and
              specifications discussed here are encouraged to
              provide corrections and additional text, to
              ensure accuracy.

1.4. Document History
     -00                Derived from draft-crocker-mast-proposal-00.
                        Extended discussions about alternative proposals
                        and architectural issues, separated from the -
                        proposal- draft.
     -01                Substantial revisions to all sections.  More
                        complete review of efforts. More extensive
                        terminology definitions. Section 3 renamed to
                        "Considerations". Material that evaluates
                        proposals is moved out of it, to the next
                        Later versions need cleaner separation of topics,
                        such as requirements and definition of what multi-
                        addressing support really means in different
                        Need to add a chart that compares the proposals.
                        Need to incorporate the remainder of Marcelo's
                        suggested changes.
                        Need to discuss enhancements made possible by
                        multiaddressing support.
     NOTE:              D. Crocker has put forward the MAST proposal.
                        That may have colored the perspectives in this
                        discussion paper.

     This paper discusses requirements and methods for enabling an
     endpoint to use multiple locators during single application
     associations. This topic does not yet have a stable, core set of
     terms in general use.  The following definitions are intended to
     remedy that deficiency; they are taken from existing definitions,
     when available. Work on multiaddress enhances existing
     infrastructure capabilities.  This work is uncovering ambiguities
     to terms that have been used.  For multiaddressing, it is
     therefore confusing to use some common terms, notably "address".
     Hence they SHOULD NOT be used.

2.1. Recommended
     Agent               refers to a third-party that is handling
                         something on behalf of one or more other
                         parties.  The term indicates the separateness
                         of the entity, as well as its key
                         relationship to the other entities. In
                         multiaddressing, it refers to an intermediary
                         service that represents an endpoint, for the
                         purposes of referral and/or relaying.
     Association         refers to an established communication
                         context between endpoints, such as a TCP
     Endpoint            refers to "the fundamental agent of end-end
                         communication" [EID]. It is an end-system
                         that participates in an association.
                         Endpoints are distinguished from
                         intermediate, infrastructure nodes and hosts.

JB> Not clear all agree EID == this definition?  Is referencing EID 
correct here?
     Identifier          refers to a unique label for an endpoint. The
                         label is used simply for distinguishing one
                         endpoint from another. Because a locator is
                         usually globally unique, it might be able to
                         serve as an identifier. However this use will
                         often suffer administrative and referential
                         limitations as a global identifier for mobile
                         endpoints. This is exemplified by the current
                         problems experienced with the dual role of IP
     Initiator           refers to an endpoint that initiates contact
                         with a target endpoint. In client/server
                         architecture it is the client.
     IP Address          specifies a topological network access point.
                         The term is usually considered to specify an
                         endpoint interface.  However discussions
                         about mobility are notably clarified by
                         viewing the value as belonging to the network
                         (interface) rather than to the endpoint.
     Locator             refers to a "the name of a network attachment
                         point" [SALT], usually in terms of the
                         network's topology. Locators typically
                         facilitate mapping into routes, such as by
                         indicating a topological hierarchy. IP
                         Addresses specify a topological network
                         access point. They usually are considered to
                         specify an endpoint interface.  However
                         discussions about mobility are enhanced by
                         viewing the value as belonging to the network
                         (interface) rather than to the endpoint.
     Mobility            refers to an endpoint's having different
                         locators over time. This may even include
                         discontinuities, during which an endpoint has
                         no valid locators. In addition, the nature of
                         a transition from one locator to another may
                         include overlapping availability of locators.
                         Interestingly, this looks the same as
                         multihoming. Mobility may be for a single
                         endpoint or for the subnetwork to which the
                         endpoint is attached. In the latter case, the
                         endpoint connection is stable, with respect
                         to its sub-network, but the sub-network
                         propogates connectivity change information to
                         the endpoint.
     Multiaddressing     refers to an endpoint's having more than one
                         locator available, over the lifetime of an
                         association. It encompasses both multihoming
                         and mobility. The core requirement for
                         multiaddressing is preservation of
                         established communications, across the use of
                         different locators.

JB> This is what MAST should be focusing on or change the name of the effort.
     Multihoming         refers to the availability of multiple
                         endpoint locators at the same endpoint,
                         simultaneously. It is typically used to refer
                         to multiple network attachments for a host,
                         but works equally well for multiple upstream
                         network attachments by the local network,
                         when the different upstream locators are
                         visible to the host. Interestingly,
                         multihomed environments often must support
                         dynamic changes, such as when adding a new
                         upstream provider. Therefore, multihoming can
                         include mobility features and mobility can
                         include multihoming features. When needing to
                         renumber a network, due to changes in up-
                         stream service, the process can be operated
                         as dynamic multihoming.
     Path discovery      provides a sender with the means for learning
                         about the locators from which they can send.
     Path selection      is required when more than one locator is
                         available to the sender. Although the sender
                         is limited to specifying an locator, rather
                         than a path, it appears that thinking of it
                         as path selection aids consideration of
                         solutions. In effect, it formulates the
                         selection task as being similar to the job of
                         routers. Route formulation is mature
                         technology, so that this aspect of
                         multiaddress processing will be tractable, if
                         not straightforward.
     Referral            permits an initiator to obtain a locator for
                         a target, such as a client being referred to
                         a server. A third-party process is required
                         for referral, in the absence of an
                         association. For existing associations,
                         participating endpoints might be able to
                         supply their own referrals. The primary
                         Internet mechanism for referral has been the
                         Domain Name Service (DNS).  The DNS uses
                         long, variable-length strings (names) and is
                         tailored for large-scale referral with
                         identifiers and locators (mappings) that
                         change infrequently.
     Referral Agent      refers to the function that maintains the
                         mapping between a mobile node's identifier
                         and its locator(s). [LIN6] calls this a
                         Mapping Agent.
     Rehoming            refers to an endpoint's changing an
                         association from one locator to another,
     Relaying            refers to the redirection of packets, on
                         behalf of an endpoint. Other endpoints see a
                         stable locator for the endpoint obtaining the
                         relaying service.
     Relaying Agent      refers to an agent that performs packet
                         forwarding (relaying) on behalf of an
                         endpoint.  The Relaying Agent thereby
                         persents a stable locator to the Internet,
                         for the endpoint. For mobility, the agent
                         resides on an endpoint's "home" network and
                         relays datagrams to the endpoint's actual
                         location on the Internet.  The endpoint is
                         modified to support this forwarding
     Rendezvous          refers to one endpoint making contact with an
                         explicitly identified   other endpoint.
     Target              refers to an endpoint that receives contact
                         from an Initiator endpoint. In a
                         client/server architecture, this is the

JB> I have issues with some of the definitions. I suggest a draft all by it 
self to define terms and remove MAST from the title call it something else.
Be a good multi6 draft too.

2.2. Deprecated
     Address             Refers to "the name of some network
                         attachment point." [SALT] The term has become
                         a problematic because addresses often are
                         used for two, distinct functions.  Hence the
                         term should not be used by itself, for these
                         discussions, except with reference to
                         particular protocol specifications, such as
                         "IP Address".  Instead, use "identifer" and
                         "locator", as appropriate.
     Connection          A state of association between two endpoints.
                         Because the term is typically used for to
                         refer to transport-layer state, discussions
                         about multiaddressing should use the more
                         general term "association", except with
                         reference to particular protocol
                         specification, such as "TCP Connection".

JB> I don't support this until we do previous response and a lot of work.

     The core requirement for multiaddressing is continuity of access
     within an association. However applications having this as a
     compelling requirement have not yet been evident on the Internet.
     Hence there ius some risk that proposed mechanisms to solve the
     requirement will not correctly ancitipate the details of the
     This section is a general discussion of requirements, constraints
     and concerns. It does not attempt to offer a formal set of
     requirements or recommendations.

3.1. Mobility
     Mobility is time-varying access to multiple locators for the same
     endpoint. Key parameters to mobility are scope of change, rate of
     change and source(s) of the change. Over what portion of the
     Internet topology might a change take place; how often will
     changes occur; and which of the participants will change their

JB> Out of scope and charter for multi6.  Take this to ADs and find out
where this discussion belongs I am not sure but its not mulit6.
     3.1.1.    Rapid, Local Initiators
     It is generally accepted that rapid, local changes should be
     handled by a layer below IP. These changes are therefore
     invisible to IP and above, so that associations are automatically
     preserved across change.
     3.1.2.    Rare, Distant Initiators
     For initiator endpoints that are subject to occasional detachment
     and eventual reconnection, the current set of technologies is
     probably sufficient. These require reconfiguration, such as
     through DHCP, and establishing new associations. Applications
     wishing to retain association state, across these transitions, do
     so above the transport layer. They are capable of establishing
     new transport associations, as needed.
     3.1.3.    Periodic, Moderate
     What is missing from the operational Internet is support for
     initiator and target systems that move over the course of minutes
     or hours and need to maintain existing transport associations or
     need to maintain their availability for new associations.
     The difference between mobility prior to initial contact and
     mobility during an existing association is significant.  In the
     latter case, the mobile host can use the association state when
     needing to inform the other endpoint about the change.  Prior to
     an association -- or when both endpoints are mutually mobile --
     an independent referral service is required.
     The difference between initiator mobility and target mobility is
     also significant, with respect to initial contact.  In particular
     the initiator needs to be able to obtain a valid locator for the
     target. Again, this requires a referral mechanism, such as having
     the routing system map from identifiers to routes, rather than
     locators to routes.  Either it must be provided implicitly within
     the network or there must be an external "referral" mechanism.
     For static servers, the DNS already provides this referral quite
     well. However current DNS use does not support frequent locator
     changes over short periods. Hence enhancements are needed to
     support referral with a mobile target.

JB> Out of scope for multi6 not sure where it belongs in IETF off
the top of my head.

JB> No other comments.  This spec does not discuss other choices to MAST
but discusses multi6 issues it should be renamed and called mutli6 terms
analysis and multi6 IP architecture analysis.