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Re: Bash IETF, not RIRs


Aggregation is not essential.

I guess this is not really what you mean. aggregation is essential to
provide scalability of the routing system, as your draft about ISP
multi-homing explains (sort of)

Aggregation is not essential cause of the concern of Iljitsch.

Even if you use host routes, exsiting of a host route does not
guarantee that the host is reachable. It may be just a result of

Routing systems give hint to help hosts make efficient decisions.

Well i guess that the question then is it is worth it...

I wronte:

Note also that this is not the only reason to have full routing table.

The fundamental reason is because it is end to end.

If the table is very aggregated, you don't really have much information

If the table have only a single entry, yes.

If it is not, the amount of information is huge and it is very expensive for
a host to store it

My presentation yesterday quantatatively showed you are totally wrong.

Masataka Ohta