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piggybacking on data in delayed mobility/multihoming setup


The corollary from the previous observation of "delayed
mobility/multihoming setup" became apparent soon afterwards:

  Maybe the mobility/multihoming setup, when initiated afterwards,
  could be piggybacked on the data packets?

Obviously, this could result in zero new packets, only minimal amount of
overhead for a couple of packets only.

The mobility/multihoming -related data could be put e.g. in a new
destination option, which could be included e.g.:
 - after the connection has been up for more than X minutes/seconds,
 - after the packet size is lower than MTU-MOBOPT_SIZE (i.e., piggyback it
only when there is "extra" free space in the packets)
 - etc.

Of course, there could be problems with a model like this with
connectionless protocols, especially if there are no acknowledgements.  But
maybe then connection survability is not a huge problem in any case.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings