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Re: threats ID


Nevertheless I find it surprising for Matasaka to assert that most of
the threats in draft-nordmark-multi6-threats-00.txt only apply to
network layer solutions. Do people have an opinion about that?

It's marcelo who wrote:

       Erik & Tony's draft essentially analyze the threats from
       a IP layer perspective

I myself do not think so called network layer solutions ever exist.

Read my architectural draft on why there can't be.

The WG will be tackling architectural analysis as its next major effort.
I think there will be people who have a different opinion from you.

If you have a different opinion from me, post it with technical reasons, or better, write a draft.

If you don't, don't expect others do. Never say others might do
something. Others can take care of themselves.

That is the constructive way of discussion.

Masataka Ohta