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RE: on the point of mobility & multihoming

Hi all,

> > You take your laptop to the park.  Nearby is a very strong, high-speed
> > link at a coffee shop.  Some distance away is a much weaker/slower
> > link.
> > 
> > Traffic driving by disconnects constantly changes your preferred
> > access point.
> > 
> > This is mobile multihoming.
> That is not a type of multihoming M6 should address. Instead,
> it is purely a mobility issue and is useful for smooth handover.
> With mobility, M6 should address multihomed base stations,
> multihomed home agents, and multiple home agents at different
> subnets (MIPv6 does allow for multiple home agents but only
> in a subnet, which is mostly useless), all of which was, in
> my experience, handled automatically.

This is why I pushed back a bit on the topic of mobility.  Seamless
mobility is out of scope for Multi6, IMO. Session stability would be
more a goal, I think.
