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Re: on the point of mobility & multihoming

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jlnc> Dave,

jlnc> I still worry about feature-creep in Multi6.  Should a multi6 be
jlnc> a floor polish & a desert topping?

only if you want to lick the floor.

but seriously, you cannot imagine how much I share your concern for
feature creep.

what i've discovered in this topic is an equal fear of the potential
to have too much redundant, and possibly conflicting, mechanism,
because related problems were not solved with common mechanism.

but, yes, the mantra of: timely, simple, useful
is paramount.

 Dave Crocker <dcrocker-at-brandenburg-dot-com>
 Brandenburg InternetWorking <www.brandenburg.com>
 Sunnyvale, CA  USA <tel:+1.408.246.8253>