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RE: When is a wedge a wedge? [Re: architecture draft]

> > Is there really a difference between having a wedge between the
> transport
>  > and network layers and implementing the functionality in the
> "upper part"
>  > of the IP protocol?
> That may turn out to be just an implementation detail, but I think Geoff
> is correct to identify it as an architectural question at this stage. We
> shouldn't jump to a conclusion on this, since TCP/IP stacks vary a lot
> in their internal architecture.

Well, there have been some debate about where to put the wedge layer w.r.t
some functionalities of the IP layer like fragmentation or IPSec. If it
turns that the wedge layer should be in the middle of the IP layer i.e. in
between the forwarding routing parta of IP and the endpoint part of IP like
fragment and IPSec, i would say that there is no difference between the both
cases, since we always would end with a new wedge in the middle of IP.

Regards, marcelo

>     Brian