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Weekly posting summary for multi6@ops.ietf.org
Messages | Bytes | Who
25.00% | 4 | 27.02% | 16298 | erik.nordmark@sun.com
12.50% | 2 | 18.09% | 10910 | brc@zurich.ibm.com
12.50% | 2 | 15.46% | 9325 | touch@isi.edu
12.50% | 2 | 10.85% | 6541 | jukka.ylitalo@nomadiclab.com
6.25% | 1 | 7.22% | 4354 | huitema@windows.microsoft.com
6.25% | 1 | 5.70% | 3438 | iljitsch@muada.com
6.25% | 1 | 4.50% | 2717 | pekkas@netcore.fi
6.25% | 1 | 4.50% | 2714 | sra@hactrn.net
6.25% | 1 | 3.55% | 2144 | dhc@dcrocker.net
6.25% | 1 | 3.10% | 1870 | kurtis@kurtis.pp.se
100.00% | 16 |100.00% | 60311 | Total
Grunchweather Associates provides this automatic summary on an at-whim
basis at the request of the MULTI6 WG chairs. Your mileage may vary.
We decline responsibilities, all shapes, all sizes, all colors.
If this script produces broken output, you get to keep both pieces.