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Re: Newbie Question about addressing impacts

One of the components we have already identified (see the minutes
from San Diego) is

 Locator selection after a failure has been detected / Choose new address pair

RFC 3484 policy distribution might be a possible solution
for that component. We aren't chartered to do basic design in
this WG, but it would certainly be good to see proof-of-concept
for this (and every) component.


Arifumi Matsumoto wrote:
Oops, I forgot to send CC to multi6.

Hi marcelo,

Well, even if you do a per host locator selection you can still manage policy in a centralized fashion, if we define proper mechanisms to perform policy distribution, for instance a dhcp option for distributing RFC3484 policy table or something similar. However, i don't know how you can enforce policy in a centralized manner when locator selection is performed by the end hosts.

I believe that such a mechanism for policy distribution
is really important. By making use of the existing RFC3484
framework, IMHO we can develop much manageable multi-home
environment in a simple and easy manner.

Now I'm working on this mechanism to publish a new I-D.
But I'm not sure such kind of topic is appropriate for
this WG or not. I believe this part of the technology should
be necessary for some of the proposals discussed here, though.

Arifumi Matsumoto
    Ubiquitous Computing Project
    NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories
    E-mail: arifumi@nttv6.net