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Re: Newbie Question about addressing impacts

El 13/08/2004, a las 12:21, Tony Li escribió:

Years ago, we rejected (a) on the grounds that it would change IPv6

Well, my understanding is that this is still a valid approach to the problem, and i didn't get the feeling that we have rejected it (at least since i am in this wg), so, may i ask why did you reject this approach?

Umm.... as I alluded "we" (not I ;-) rejected this approach because there are existing
IPv6 host implementations. Those would have to be 'revised' to support this model.
At the time, the WG felt that this was unacceptable.

Ok. But currently, i think that it seems clear that any of the both approaches will require modifications in both ends of the communication.
I mean, any solution for preserving established sessions will impose modifications in both ends, mainly because security issues, so i guess that from this p.o.v. both approaches are equally acceptable, right?

regards, marcelo
