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Re: Multi6 WG Last Call (1 of 3) draft-ietf-multi6-architecture-01.txt

Brian E Carpenter wrote:

 > 4.2  Multi-Homing: Mobility
 >    The aspect of MIPv6 which appears to present issues in the context of
 >    multi-homing is the return routeability mechanism.  In MIPv6 identity
 >    validity is periodically tested by return routeability of the
 >    identity address.  This regular use of a distinguished locator as the
 >    identity token cannot support return reachability in the multi-homing
 >    context in the event of extended path failure of the path that is
 >    associated with the identity locator.

This question isn't really relevant to multi6, but isn't it therefore
also the case that if the home agent becomes unreachable for more than
7 minutes, regular MIP6 also breaks for the same reason and the mobile
node loses connectivity?

This is correct. Other mobility mechanisms such as HIP could survive such scenarios, however.
