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Re: Multi6 WG Last Call (1 of 3) draft-ietf-multi6-architecture-01.txt

El 25/10/2004, a las 6:18, <john.loughney@nokia.com> escribió:


My minor substantive comments are below.
Some editorial comments were sent direct to the author.

4.2 Multi-Homing: Mobility
The aspect of MIPv6 which appears to present issues in the context of
multi-homing is the return routeability mechanism. In MIPv6 identity
validity is periodically tested by return routeability of the
identity address. This regular use of a distinguished locator as the
identity token cannot support return reachability in the multi-homing
context in the event of extended path failure of the path that is
associated with the identity locator.

This question isn't really relevant to multi6,

Well, lots of people claim that there is a close relation between multihoming and mobility, since both problmes require changing the locators and keep the identifier. Since there is an available solution for mobility, it seems quite natural to explore if such solution is suitable for multihoming. The problem with the available solution for mobility is that the security mechanism used in mip is inherently incompatible with the multihoming requirements, since it is based on reaching the identifier.

so imho it is relevant to multihoming the explanation why the approach
used for mobility is not suitable for multihoming.

I agree with Marcelo, but with the caveat that solving mobility problems
is not a goal of Multi6. Learning from mobility solutions is a good thing,


regards, marcelo


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mbagnulo@ing.uc3m.es is no longer in use
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