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Re: Multi6 WG Last Call (2 of 3) draft-ietf-multi6-things-to-think-about-00.txt
Could/should we add a note that IPv6 renumbering (without a flag day) will
generally involve a site being multihomed in a transient phase between
using one prefix and adopting a new prefix?
[I recall for Fred's "IPv6 renumbering procedure" draft we discussed the
relevance of multihoming to renumbering, and I think the reverse applies.]
A difference is the (probably) each node will be configured to prefer one
uplink over the other as an existing prefix is deprecated and a new prefix
introduced, as described in Fred's document (in contrast to being able to
use both links, with neither being deprecated).
We added some notes on the linkage to section 5.9 of
which can probably be improved.
A site could also change provider for one of its two uplinks if dual-homed,
in which case a site may be triple homed while it's primary or secondary
existing uplink provider changes and is renumbered.