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Re: Few comments on draft-ietf-multi6-architecture-02

Hi Thierry,

i just want to make a comment about one of the points that you are considering (this may be OT for this list though... but i hope that the chairs will let me know when to shut up :-)

El 02/11/2004, a las 11:15, Thierry Ernst escribió:
[BTW, just being curious, can't we consider a NEMO multihomed to 2
distincts ISPs as a site ? cf draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-01.txt]

I am not sure that all the multihomed nemos can easily fall under the definition of a multihomed site.
IMHO, there are cases where it is clearly so, and that the multi6 solution will provide a solution for the multihomed nemo, while in some other cases, i am not so sure.

For instance, suppose a nemo that has a multihomed home network. So the nemo has two prefixes, one per ISP of the home network. In this case i guess that it is clear that the multi6 solution should apply to this network, i guess.

The same case could be when the nemo has two home networks (which i guess that is the case that you are considering)

I mean in all these cases, the point is that the multihoming doesn't occur between the nemo and the fixed network, but between the attachment of the home network(s) and the internet. I guess that in those cases, the multi6 solution should apply.

However, when we are considering a nemo that has multiple attachments points, and for instance only one nemo prefix, then the fundamental assumption of multi6 solution is no longer valid, since the nemo has a single prefix. I guess that in these cases, the usefulness of the multi6 solution will diminish.

But anyway, i fell that it is very important to determine which parts of the nemo multihoming problem can be addressed with multi6 and which parts will require additional tools.

Regards, marcelo

Section 4.3
- typo in "...the only viable destination address to use the one that is
based ..."

Section 4.6
- "on packet ingress to the site": it that good English ?  Is "ingress"
used as a verb ?

- in "a large number of associated security considerations" shouldn't it
be "issues" instead of "considerations" ?

- "header rewriting on site exit is for" -> shouldn't it be "on
site-exit router" ?

- typo "the this would"

Section 5
- missing word around "there" in "to transform the ULP PDU to include
locator information there is an associated requirement"

Section 5.3.1
- Blank line missing before paragraphs "ICMP Triggers", "Routing Triggers", ...

Section 5.3.2
- I'm not sure the following sentence is fine: "An implication of this
selection process is that the host s that path selection policy ..."

- "select components": shouldn't it be "selected components" ?

- The word "IN" shouldn't be capitalized

Section 5.3.3
- in "...when all flows to and from a particular destination has
stopped": should be "have stopped"


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mbagnulo@ing.uc3m.es is no longer in use
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