Section 4.3
- typo in "...the only viable destination address to use the one that
based ..."
Section 4.6
- "on packet ingress to the site": it that good English ? Is "ingress"
used as a verb ?
- in "a large number of associated security considerations" shouldn't
be "issues" instead of "considerations" ?
- "header rewriting on site exit is for" -> shouldn't it be "on
site-exit router" ?
- typo "the this would"
Section 5
- missing word around "there" in "to transform the ULP PDU to include
locator information there is an associated requirement"
Section 5.3.1
- Blank line missing before paragraphs "ICMP Triggers", "Routing
Triggers", ...
Section 5.3.2
- I'm not sure the following sentence is fine: "An implication of this
selection process is that the host s that path selection policy ..."
- "select components": shouldn't it be "selected components" ?
- The word "IN" shouldn't be capitalized
Section 5.3.3
- in "...when all flows to and from a particular destination has
stopped": should be "have stopped"