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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-multi6-multihoming-threats-03.txt

I'll leave Erik to respond in detail as the author, but indeed the
ID tracker pointer that Spencer gave is the best (in fact, the
only) way to view IESG comments. I don't think any of the updates
are likely to be contentious.


Spencer Dawkins wrote:
This wasn't the question Joe asked, but if you are curious about diffs between versions of an ID, there are several sites that present them. I use http://bgp.potaroo.net/ietf/html/xids-wgm.html, which provides diffs from one version to the next, in both single-document and side-by-side flavors. Click on the "sharp" signs to see the diffs.

Joe's question was actually what the IESG comments were, and how they were addressed.

There is an appendix A ("changes since previous draft") in the document, that says the changes were to address IESG comments, and the ID tracker actually has some detail on IESG comments, at https://datatracker.ietf.org/public/pidtracker.cgi?command=view_id&dTag=11954&rfc_flag=0.

I haven't tried to match all this up yet, but wanted to pass URLs along for other reviewers.
