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Re: Comments/suggestions on draft

> dh> This would cover CPE routers, edge routers, and core routers. As it should
> dh> IMHO. Im rather tired of customer routers being exploited at the slightest
> dh> puff of air due to stupid vendor defaults.
> That there is a whole new can of worms.  When Oulu released their SNMP
> happiness upon the world, we determined that something like 90% of our
> CPE was vilnerable.  But our contracts were written such that it was
> illegal for us to reconfigure or upgrade their code.  The CPE belonged
> to us, but was their responsibility.
> I don't think that ISP contract law is within the scope of this
> document,

No, but requiring that vendors produce/support devices that:

  2.3.8 Ability to Withstand Well-Known Attacks and Exploits

     Requirement. The device MUST have an IP stack and operating system
        that is robust enough to withstand well-known attacks and

> but somewhere in there is a pressing issue begging to be
> resolved.  There's a whole world of people out there that talk about
> "THE router", rather than "A router".  There's gotta be some way to
> help them keep things up to date.

This doc is asking that vendors provide technology that can be
operationally secured.   Deployment is a different, much more
social/messy problem.
