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Need wording for wireless reqs

I need some preliminary text for the wireless requirements.

Again, I think wireless gear is in scope, as long as it
is within/is the operators perimeter and is managed.


> Appendix A.  Requirement Profiles
> .
> .
> .
> A.5 SOHO Profile
> .
> .
> .
> (Functionality not yet listed in document)
> No default passwords
> Must configure passwords for access

I'll do the wording for this/add it to the minimum profile.

> A.6 Wireless Network Device Profile
> Wireless networks must be thought of being a free-for all where almost
> anyone can easily eavesdrop on the network.  Therefore, it has it’s own
> set of security requirements, which mostly is a subset of the minimal
>                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> security requirements listed in A.1.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

For profiles that are not strict derivitives of the minimum set, I
would not mention it.   I might call them something like

  "Minimum requirements for...."

> (Functionality not listed in core doc)
> Must use WEP
> Must use authentication
> Must use MAC address filtering
> Should use TKIP and 802.11x where possible (most devices should now
>        implement it since the standard is ratified…..probably should
>        require vendors to have this)

Can you give me preliminary wording (requirement, justificaiton,
example, warnings) for these new reqs ?


George M. Jones,   |  Spam is to email as decay particles are
JAPH               |  to nuclear waste.
gmj@pobox.com      |