At 11:37 AM 8/27/2002 +0200, Tanja Zseby wrote:
Dear psamp people,
I started a draft on sampling techniques for packet selection (document is attached). The document tries to define some terminology and describes various sampling methods and their parameters.
If you have any comments or if you like to contribute some text please let me know.
I know that there were once some volunteers for writing psamp documents. Are there people already working on other documents than the framework draft ?
This draft is getting a lot of positive responses.
Here is a snippet from the charter describing this deliverable:
1. Selectors for packet sampling. Define the set of primitive
packet selection operations for network elements, the parameters
by which they may be configured, and the ways in which they can be combined.
2. Packet Information. Specify extent of packet that is to be made
available for reporting. Target for inclusion the packet's IP header,
some subsequent bytes of the packet, and encapsulating headers if present.
Full packet capture of arbitrary packet streams is explicitly out of scope.
Specify variants for IPv4 and IPv6, extent of IP packet available under
encapsulation methods, and under packet encryption.
The charter says these two items will be combined in 1 draft.
So I have 3 questions for you and the WG:
1) Should these topics really be combined into 1 dr
aft? If so,
would you be willing to take on the Packet Information topic
as part of your draft?
I would prefer to have two documents. Simply to prevent getting a too large
draft (simplifies editing, less updates, etc.). We can always merge documents
if it turns out later that it would be better to have these issues covered
in one draft.