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> 4.3 Router State filtering 
>       This class of filters select a packet on the basis of the
> following 
>   conditions), possibly combined with the AND, OR or NOT operators. 
>        - Ingress interface at which packet arrives equals a specified 
>         value 
>      - Egress interface to which packet is routed to equals a 
>         specified value 
>      - Packet violated acl on the router 
>      - Failed rpf  
>      - Failed rsvp  

you mean exceeding reservation contract or failing to reserve ?

perhaps this could be generalized to exceeding any Qos-contract like diffserv,
which is probably worth differentiating from dropped due to congestion ?

   - failed conditioning - red
   - dropped from que

I guess the qos area could be tempting to detail even more ?


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