Here are the remaining open issues for the framework draft. Please send
comments to the list by December 5.
FW-1 Encryption for export
. Problem: what is the conformance level?
. Proposed Solution: mandatory to implement and optional to use. This
was required by the IESG for IPFIX. PSAMP requirements at least as
strong, due to possibility of payload fragments in reports.
FW-2 Timestamps
. Problem: should PSAMP require certain resolution or accuracy?
. Proposed Solution: require microsecond resolution (as for IPFIX);
no requirement for accuracy, but it should be reported.
. Question: How should it be reported (e.g., numerical accuracy,
synchronization method, ...)?
FW-3 Selecting Encrypted Packets
. Problem: Encryption key is not generally available. Content
dependent selection problematic since encrypted fields lose
How should selection of encrypted packets be modified, if at all?
. Question: what forms of encryption can be detected from packet?
. Proposed Solution:
- for filtering and content dependent sampling: option to
ignore encrypted packets (if detectable ...)
. Comments:
- not needed for content-independent sampling
- not needed for hash-based selection ( it emulates /
approximates content-independent sampling) unless trajectory
sampling with encryption taking place at point between
observation points)
FW-4 Reporting Input Sequence Numbers
. Problem: should the sequence numbers be in every report, or just
sent periodically in report interpretation?
. Proposed Solution: send in every report (probably yields more
information for diagnosis under high load conditions with packets)