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Re: [ipfix] IPFIX Header changes (length)

Hi Mark,
1) The Count field should be changed to a Length representing the length
   of the IPFIX message.

7) For PSAMP support the Length field (previously Count) may need to be
   extended to 24 bits so 64K packets can be transported via IPFIX.
From the PSAMP charter.
2. Packet Information. Specify extent of packet that is to be made
  available for reporting. Target for inclusion the packet's IP
  header, some subsequent bytes of the packet, and encapsulating
  headers if present. Full packet capture of arbitrary packet
  streams is explicitly out of scope. Specify variants for IPv4 and
  IPv6, extent of IP packet available under encapsulation methods,
  and under packet encryption.

So I don't think PSAMP requires the Length to be 24 bits.

I'm currently busy updating the protocol draft.
Here is the proposal for the issue of the length in the packet header (I know there are more changes requested for the packet header, but I'm propose to update the issues on which we have a clear consensus)

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|       Version Number          |            Length             |
|                           sysUpTime                           |
|                           UNIX Secs                           |
|                       Sequence Number                         |
|                        Source ID                              |


Packet Header Field Descriptions


Total Length is the length of the IPFIX message, measured in octets, including Packet Header and FlowSet(s). 

Any objections?

Regards, Benoit.


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