Dear all,
From the meeting minutes in Vancouver:
Open Issue #7: Metering Process ID in Association ID
This concerns the IPFIX processes in the associations ID (section 7.1 and 7.2
of psamp-tech). The proposal is to remove "metering process ID" to avoid
confusion, as no one could think of a possible scenario.
Tanja: It was introduced to support multiple IPFIX proecesses sharing a
selector. But since no example was found swo far where this is demanded
and since it it can be done (but less efficient) without the associations
by having 2 selectors, it is OK to drop it.
Discussion to be concluded on the mailing list.
I have remove the following sentence from the section 7.2 of [PSAMP-PROTO]:
Optionally, the IPFIX processes to which the
packets MAY be
added to the Associations ID. Example of IPFIX processes are IPFIX
Process ID and IPFIX Exporting Process ID.
To be consistent, [PSAMP-TECH] must also remove the notion of optional IPFIX processes from the association.
Regards, Benoit.