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Re: Source ID -> Observation Domain Id?


I also agree. It makes things even clearer.

Regards, Thomas

Am Freitag, 24. März 2006 01:27 schrieb Benoit Claise:
> Dear all,
> During his review, Bert was confused by the sourceId being the unique Id
> for the observation domain
> 	- [IPFIX-ARCH] sect 5.4 last line
> 	  s/Source ID/Domain ID/ ??
> 	  Or should the section title be somthing about "Source" ??
> 	  I am getting a bit confused about DOmain and Source ID I guess?
> 	  Protocol doc does indeed speak about SOurce ID.
> I agree that this confusing, and should be changed. However, this must be
> changed in ALL IPFIX and PSAMP documents. Information model: sourceId ->
> observationDomainId
> Protocol: Source ID -> Observation Domain ID
> Any objections before starting to change the documents?
> Regards, Benoit.

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