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RE: SIP AAA and QoS Attributes


You wrote:
> > - SIP UASs (eg. SIP Proxies, PSTN Gateways, Application Servers) use
> > SIP specific RADIUS (or DIAMETER) attributes to do AAA for SIP specific
> > services (I am working on an updated version of the sterman draft which
> > should be available at the beginning of february).
> > 
> [RRR] Good. Will it also include QoS abstraction/attributes for each
> media (audio, video, data) that will be a part of the SDP messages
> in SIP?
Are you thinking of a SIP session policy framework like the one
described in
http://www.softarmor.com/sipping/meets/ietf58/slides/pres-hilt-session-policy.ppt ?
This work is in a very early stage.

I don't quite understand why you would need to authenticate QoS parameters
in a SIP system. This is up to your resource reservation protocol of
choice (which can, of course, be part of a device which uses SIP for
call signalling).

Given the absence of public networks providing dynamic resource
reservation, I'd give media accounting priority over QoS

Wolfgang Beck
T-Systems GmbH

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