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RE: Bof at next IETF?

Parviz Yegani writes...
> Given the strong support from the last IETF I thought RADIUSEXT was on
> its way to become a new WG. What are we waiting for?

We are waiting for Internet Drafts, of suitable quality, that fit within
the proposed Charter, and volunteers to review those drafts.

I have noticed a flurry of drafts coming out just prior to the cutoff
date for IEEE 59.  I would encourage all interested parties to review
these drafts, for protocol quality, and also for compliance to the
charter.  Please review the drafts and submit commentary on this list.

While there was substantial support for moving forward with RADIUS
Extensions, there was equally substantial support for the limited scope
of changes to RADIUS as presented in the draft charter.  I think we are
making progress toward meeting the requirement for suitable drafts, but
we have a ways to go yet.

-- Dave

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