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RE: draft-jones-radius-geopriv

> draft-jones-radius-geopriv specifies a way for a NAS to tell a 
> RADIUS server the location of the NAS. The location of the 
> NAS could be manually configured either in the NAS or in the 
> RADIUS server with which it shares a secret. The 
> radius-geopriv attribute might be added to the RADIUS 
> attributes that are forwarded to a different
> (home) RADIUS server (in the global roaming situation).
> (If this summary is incorrect, please clarify.)


We set out to write this draft with two main goals:

1) Provide guidelines for RADIUS implementers needing to transport
subscriber location information and remain compliant with the GEOPRIV
privacy and security requirements. We also wanted to examine the various
roaming scenarios and provide recommendations on how location information
should be sent between AAA servers using RADIUS.

2) Provide an access-independent representation of subscriber, device and
network location information and specify how it is encoded in RADIUS. Rather
than invent a new encoding, we would investigate the applicable areas of the
GMLv3 efforts.


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