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GSMA requirements (was RE: draft-jones-radius-geopriv)

John Loughney writes...

> Is there any chance that the GSMA could bring their requirements
> to the IETF, so that we can ensure we don't have too many
> conflicting requirements & also have a chance to understand
> what are the real requirements?

GSAM has just yesterday sent a Liaison Letter to the chairs.  It is not
as explicit in terms of requirements as one might like, however it is a
start.  Since distribution of this document is open to the IETF
community, I have reproduced the text of that letter here.

-- Dave


To: 		RADEXT Working Group Chairs, 
Bernard Aboba, aboba@internaut.com
David Nelson, dnelson@enterasys.com 
From:	GSMA WLAN Task Force, Chairman, Carlo Cassisa,
Director, Graham Trickey, gtrickey@gsm.org
Subject:	RADEXT new attributes for global WLAN Roaming
Date: 		14-Feb-2004
Response date due by: Latest 8-Mar-2004

In recent developments of establishing a global SIM based inter-operator
WLAN roaming within GSMA WLAN TF, we have faced several challenges with
current RADIUS protocol. These challenges are mostly related to global
inter-operator location based billing and taxation issues and user
billing identities that are suitable for globally well established
inter-operator billing systems. After careful studies and live tests we
feel that there is room for enhancements in current RADIUS protocol to
satisfy our requirements for global inter-operator SIM based WLAN
roaming. These are needed to avoid fragmentation in inter-operator
billing system interfaces and ease the integration to existing global
inter-operator billing systems.

GMSA WLAN Task Force would like to state their interest in the work done
in IETF RADEXT Working Group identifying new RADIUS attributes and
clarifying the usage of existing RADIUS attributes (such as the
User-name attribute) that are usable for global SIM based WLAN roaming
purposes. These attributes and clarifications include location
information that is accurate enough for global billing and taxation
purposes and billable user identities that are also usable for well
established global inter-operator billing systems.

We would like to point out few ongoing drafts that deal with the issues
of our concern:
draft-adrangi-radiusext-location-information and

The following drafts have also been identified useful in a global
roaming point of view:
draft-adrangi-radius-bandwidth-capability and

In the near future we also see RADIUS and DIAMETER migration and
interworking as a challenge that should be solved in a proper way.

GSMA WLAN TF is having their next meeting 11-Mar-2004 and we kindly ask
for an input from RADEXT Working Group chairs on how they see the
importance of adding attributes to the RADIUS protocol and/or clarifying
the use of existing attributes in order to ease the deployment of global
SIM based WLAN roaming.


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