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Re: RADIUS drafts review -- LAN attributes

Nelson, David wrote:
Farid writes...

I think everyone should participate in scrubbing the LAN attributes,


help finalize their definition, format/syntax ...  Whether or not we
need a single or multiple drafts to express these attributes, we can
discuss it in parallel.  I think our primary focus should be to


a list of LAN attributes that we need to standardize, and work on


definition. Your comment?

That sounds fine.  If we can organize that effort to occur on the list,
and we have some active participants, then let's start...   Actual
editing of the drafts will still require an individual to act as editor,
of course.

Keep in mind, however, the WG work items and milestones from the draft

Dec 04  Updated RADIUS MIBs submitted for publication.
Dec 04  RADIUS design guidelines submitted as an Informational RFC.
Dec 04  SIP RADIUS authentication draft submitted as a Proposed Standard
Feb 05  RADIUS implementation issues and fixes submitted as an
        Informational RFC.
Feb 05  WLAN attributes draft submitted as a Proposed Standard RFC.
Feb 05  RFC 2486bis submitted as a Proposed Standard.
Dec 05  LAN attributes draft submitted as a Proposed Standard RFC.
Dec 05  RADIUS Prepaid draft submitted as a Proposed Standard RFC.

Before we can close on the LAN Attributes draft (or others) we need to
complete the design guidelines draft.  Certainly, we can work in
parallel, to the extent that resources permit.  The LAN Attributes draft
is scheduled to be completed in December of 2005.

This would make it be late from, say, 3GPP release 6 specifications which probably would like to refer to an IETF spec on this. Can you remind me why there is a dependency on the guidelines and WLAN attributes? I had been assuming that the guidelines are needed if you do something complicated, like subattributes or SDO-specific attributes. But I'm not sure we need them for the WLAN attrs draft. Or I would hope we can get by without them -- maybe I'm mistaken.


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